
The delivery of high quality allied health services is our goal, and we strive to work with you in order to achieve yours.

Current services available:

  • Music therapy

  • Mental Health Workshops

Coming soon:

  • Speech therapy

  • Occupational therapy

  • One of the largest barriers for school aged children and adolescents is accessibility to services.

    We facilitate in-school programs for individuals and groups. This allows a high attendance rate to sessions as well as easy skill transfer into the classroom.

    Outcomes may include:

    • Mental health and wellbeing

    • Resilience

    • Group cohesion

    • Confidence

    • Attention skills

    • Communication skills

    • Social skills

    • Motor skills

    • Leadership skills

    Contact us for more information on how we can meet your needs.

  • Currently more than a 1 in 4 high school students experience signs of clinical depression and other psychiatric conditions. Even more concerning is the fact that less than 25% of these students seek professional help.

    Our in-school workshops cater to large groups of students and staff, and aim to help students integrate mental health care into their own lives, as well as show pathways to access professional help.

    Outcomes include:

    • A better understanding of the mental health issues students are facing

    • Increased referrals to support pathways

    • Equipping students and teachers with support strategies

    Click here to find out more about our Inform, Prepare, Respond workshop, or contact us to find out how we can best meet your needs.