Realise Therapy

Matt Laffan

Team | Music Therapy NSW | Matt Laffan | Realise Therapy

Matt has completed a Bachelor of Music and a Masters Degree in Creative Music Therapy from the Western Sydney University. He has also completed additional training in Neurologic Music Therapy, and Accidental Counsellor Training.

In 2021, he was nominated as a finalist in the NSW Ministry of Public Health Pandemic Response Award for his work in leading a team of therapists to implement functional telehealth protocols and resources to assist people in isolation to engage in online therapy.

For almost a decade he has worked as a music therapist in Western Sydney with people from a range of different backgrounds; from neurodevelopmental disorders, to acquired brain injuries and mental illness.

Matt is passionate about delivering allied health services to those who need it most, and has presented on a range of topics in the community; including using music as a mental health strategy and the relationships between mindfulness, music and PTSD symptoms.